Energetic Lab
Busy Professionals
You've followed the path most of us are expected to lead, you did well in education and now have a well-paid role with great career prospects and earning potential.
But you may have reached the point where you realise that there is more to life than your career, and it's left you thinking along the lines of "what do I really want from life?".

We're not life coaches, we can't tell you what you should do next in life.
But what we can do, is provide you with a clear understanding of your financial position and what it looks like if you carry on as you are.
We can also help you understand what it looks like if you make a change. This is where it can get exciting.
Once you understand the financial implications, it will give you the freedom to open your mind to the possibilities of what you can do instead.
And if you're not quite yet at the point of being able to make radical change in your work and life, we'll work together to make a plan for you to get there.
A real client story
With the onset of the pandemic, and with it the surreal way in which teachers had to try and muddle through, this only added to the stress Richard felt in going in to work. It was clear this was having an affect on his whole life.
Richard and Denise had always believed that Richard would work on until age 60, as this was what Denise had done (who is older than Richard).
In their annual review meeting, through the use of technology, Jamie was able to show Richard and Denise that Richard could actually afford to retire now and how this would work in practice. They had never considered that doing so was possible, and had always been working to the plan that he would retire at age 60, come what may.
The relief this brought to Richard was clear, it brought him to tears. By the end of the next week he handed in his notice and left at the end of the term.
In the meantime, Jamie and his colleagues put in place a clear retirement income plan, to replace Richard's salary and ensure the transition into retirement was as smooth as could be financially.
The next time Jamie saw Richard and Denise for their annual planning meeting, Richard looked rejuvenated and much happier than he was before. He said he was delighted that he retired when he did, and that now the whole chapter had been put behind him, he could get on with enjoying his retirement with Denise.
For Denise's part, she was pleased that Richard would be around more to share retirement with, particularly the earlier years whilst still fit and active. This means that they can now go on holidays as and when they feel like it, as they like to do, and which they could never do before due to inflexible term times.

Richard (not his real name), age 56, had been a client of Jamie's for a few years at the time the Covid pandemic struck in early 2020, at which time there was clearly something bothering him and getting him down.
He had always loved science and was a science teacher at a school near his home, which he shared with his wife Denise. Unfortunately, Richard was being bullied by the head of department at the school, and every avenue he had tried to resolve the issue through didn't work. He'd lost his spark for his job and didn't want to do it anymore.